How To Use dig Command in Linux

The dig (Domain Information Groper) command is a powerful tool used in Linux and other Unix-based systems to perform DNS (Domain Name System) lookups. It is widely employed by network administrators, system administrators, and developers to retrieve DNS information and diagnose issues related to DNS configurations. By querying DNS servers directly, dig can provide detailed information about a domain’s DNS records, making it an essential utility for managing and troubleshooting network infrastructures.

The significance of the dig command lies in its ability to deliver precise and comprehensive DNS information, which is crucial for maintaining the health and performance of network services. Whether you are verifying domain name configurations, investigating network connectivity issues, or ensuring DNS records are correctly propagated, dig serves as a reliable tool. It helps identify and resolve problems that could otherwise lead to downtime, security vulnerabilities, and other operational challenges.

What is dig?

dig stands for Domain Information Groper. It is a command-line tool used to query DNS name servers and fetch information about domain name system records. Its primary purpose is to aid in DNS diagnostics and provide administrators with detailed data about DNS records, such as A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, and others. By issuing a DNS query, dig can reveal how a domain name resolves to an IP address or other types of records, facilitating better understanding and management of DNS configurations.

While there are several DNS querying tools available, dig is often preferred due to its comprehensive output and flexibility. For instance, nslookup is another commonly used tool, but it lacks the detailed and structured output provided by dignslookup is more basic and user-friendly, suitable for quick lookups, whereas dig offers more extensive options and is better suited for in-depth DNS analysis. dig also supports advanced features like EDNS (Extension mechanisms for DNS) and DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), making it more powerful for modern DNS troubleshooting.

Basic Syntax of dig

The general syntax of the dig command is as follows:

dig [options] [domain] [type]
  • [options]: Optional flags that modify the behavior of the command.
  • [domain]: The domain name to query.
  • [type]: The type of DNS record to query (e.g., A, AAAA, MX, NS, CNAME).

Explanation of Basic Options and Arguments

  • @server: Specifies a DNS server to query instead of the default resolver.
  • -t type: Specifies the type of DNS record to query (e.g., -t A for A records).
  • +short: Provides a concise output, showing only the answer section.
  • +noall +answer: Suppresses all output except for the answer section.
  • +trace: Traces the path to the authoritative DNS servers for the domain.

Example Usage:

dig A
  • Querying using a specific DNS server:
dig @
  • Getting a short output:
dig +short

With these basics, users can start leveraging the dig command for various DNS querying needs, laying the foundation for more advanced usage and customization discussed in the subsequent sections.

Basic Usage of dig

Let’s try to understand the basic usage of the dig command in Linux.

A. Performing Simple Queries

  1. Querying A Records
    The most basic use of the dig command is to query A records, which map a domain to its corresponding IP address. For example, to find the IP address of, you can use:
dig A

This command will return details including the queried domain, the type of record, the IP address, and additional information such as the TTL (Time to Live).

  1. Querying MX Records
    MX records indicate the mail servers responsible for receiving email for a domain. To query MX records for a domain, use:
dig MX

This will provide a list of mail servers along with their priority levels.

  1. Querying Other Record Types (NS, CNAME, TXT)
    You can also query other DNS record types by specifying the type in the command:
  • For NS (Name Server) records:
dig NS
  • For CNAME (Canonical Name) records:
  • For TXT (Text) records:
dig TXT

B. Using dig with Specific DNS Servers

Sometimes you may want to query a specific DNS server rather than using the default one. This can be done by specifying the server’s IP address:

dig @

In this example, the command queries the Google Public DNS server ( for information about

C. Interpreting Basic dig Output

The output of a dig query can be extensive, but understanding the key sections is crucial:

  1. Header Section
    Contains information about the query, including the status and flags.
  2. Question Section
    Shows the domain and the type of record being queried.
  3. Answer Section
    Provides the requested DNS records, such as IP addresses for A records or mail server information for MX records.
  4. Authority Section
    Lists authoritative DNS servers for the domain.
  5. Additional Section
    Contains additional information relevant to the query.

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Advanced Usage of dig

Now that we have gone through the basic syntax and usage of the dig command in Linux, let’s go over some advance usages:

A. Querying Multiple Record Types

You can query multiple types of records in a single command by specifying the desired types:

dig A MX NS

This command will return A, MX, and NS records for

B. Customizing Output

  1. Using +short for Concise Results
    The +short option simplifies the output to show only the essential information:
dig +short
  1. Suppressing Sections with +noall and +answer
    You can customize the output to show only the answer section by using:
dig +noall +answer

This will display only the pertinent DNS records, omitting the header and other sections.

C. Tracing DNS Resolution Paths

The +trace option allows you to trace the path to the authoritative DNS servers:

dig +trace

This is useful for diagnosing DNS propagation issues and understanding the delegation path.

D. Querying with EDNS and DNSSEC

  1. Using EDNS (Extension mechanisms for DNS)
    EDNS extends the capabilities of DNS by allowing larger packet sizes and additional options. You can enable it with:
dig +edns=0
  1. Validating DNSSEC Records
    DNSSEC adds a layer of security to DNS by enabling verification of the authenticity of responses. To query DNSSEC records, use:
dig DNSKEY +dnssec

E. Executing Commands on Found Records

The -exec option allows you to execute commands on the found files. For example, to list all A records and perform a custom command:

dig A -exec ls -lh {}

This command will find A records and then execute the ls -lh command on the results.

By mastering both basic and advanced usage of the dig command, users can efficiently manage DNS records, troubleshoot network issues, and ensure their domain configurations are correct and secure. The next sections will delve into practical examples and automation techniques to further enhance your proficiency with dig.

Practical Examples of dig Usage

Let’s go over some practicual scenarios where dig command is very useful:

A. Diagnosing DNS Issues

  1. Checking DNS Propagation
    To verify if DNS changes have propagated, you can use dig with different DNS servers. For example:
dig @
dig @

Comparing the results from different servers can help determine if changes have propagated globally.

  1. Identifying DNS Resolution Problems
    If a domain isn’t resolving correctly, you can use dig to trace where the issue lies. Start by querying the authoritative servers:
dig +trace

This command will show the resolution path and highlight where the breakdown occurs.

B. Verifying Mail Server Configuration

  1. Checking MX Records
    Ensure that mail servers are correctly configured by querying MX records:
dig MX +short

Verify that the returned servers are the intended ones and that their priorities are correct.

  1. Confirming SPF Records
    SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records help prevent email spoofing. Use dig to check SPF records:
dig TXT +short | grep "v=spf1"

Ensure that the SPF record includes the correct IP addresses or domains authorized to send mail on behalf of your domain.

C. Domain Ownership Verification

  1. Using SOA Records
    SOA (Start of Authority) records contain administrative information about the domain. Querying SOA records can help verify domain ownership:
dig SOA +short

This will return the primary name server and the email address of the domain administrator.

  1. Checking DNSSEC Signatures
    For domains using DNSSEC, verify the presence of DNSSEC signatures to ensure the integrity of the DNS information:
dig DNSKEY +dnssec +short

Automating DNS Queries with dig

A. Using Scripts for Routine Checks

  1. Creating a Basic Shell Script
    Automate regular DNS checks by creating a simple shell script. For example, to check A and MX records for multiple domains:
domains=("" "")
for domain in "${domains[@]}"; do
  echo "Checking A and MX records for $domain"
  dig $domain A +short
  dig $domain MX +short

This script loops through the specified domains and queries their A and MX records.

  1. Scheduling Script Execution with cron
    Use cron to schedule the execution of the script at regular intervals. Edit the crontab file with:
crontab -e

Add a line to run the script daily:

0 2 * * * /path/to/your/

This line schedules the script to run at 2 AM every day.

B. Monitoring DNS Changes

  1. Tracking DNS Changes Over Time
    Automate monitoring of DNS changes by periodically querying and comparing the results. Store the initial DNS records in a file:
dig A +short > /path/to/initial_records.txt

Periodically check for changes and compare with the initial records:

current_records=$(dig A +short)
initial_records=$(cat /path/to/initial_records.txt)
if [ "$current_records" != "$initial_records" ]; then
  echo "DNS records have changed for"
  1. Sending Alerts for DNS Changes
    Extend the monitoring script to send email alerts if changes are detected. Use a tool like mail to send notifications:
current_records=$(dig A +short)
initial_records=$(cat /path/to/initial_records.txt)
if [ "$current_records" != "$initial_records" ]; then
  echo "DNS records have changed for" | mail -s "DNS Change Alert"

By automating DNS queries and monitoring with dig, you can efficiently manage your domain configurations, detect changes, and respond promptly to any issues. The next sections will explore best practices for using dig and troubleshooting common problems.

Wrap Up

In this guide, we’ve explored the dig command, a versatile tool essential for DNS querying and network troubleshooting in Linux. We covered its basic syntax, practical usage examples for diagnosing DNS issues, verifying mail server configurations, and advanced features for more detailed queries. Additionally, we looked at automating dig queries with scripts and cron jobs for continuous DNS monitoring. Mastering dig equips you with the skills to effectively manage and troubleshoot DNS configurations, ensuring robust and reliable network operations.

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