How to Use the dd Command in Linux | Command Examples

The dd command is one of the most powerful and versatile tools available in Linux. It allows users to perform low-level copying and conversion of raw data, making it invaluable for tasks such as creating backups, cloning disks, preparing bootable USB drives, and even data recovery. The command’s ability to interact directly with the data on storage devices provides a level of control that is unparalleled by higher-level utilities.


Before diving into the detailed usage of the dd command, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

Basic Knowledge of the Linux Command Line

Familiarity with basic command-line operations is essential for using the dd command effectively. This includes understanding how to navigate the file system, use common commands like lscd, and cp, and having a basic grasp of shell scripting. If you’re new to the command line, consider reviewing some introductory materials or tutorials to get comfortable with the basics.

A Linux Distribution

You will need a Linux distribution that uses the dd command. Most distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, and Arch Linux, come with dd pre-installed. If you’re using a less common distribution, ensure that dd is available or can be installed through your package manager.

Sufficient Permissions

Many operations performed by the dd command, especially those that interact with system-level devices or partitions, require root or sudo access. This is because dd can make significant changes to the system, including modifying or deleting data on storage devices.

Basic Syntax and Options

The dd command operates by reading from an input file (if) and writing to an output file (of), with various options available to control its behavior. Understanding the basic syntax and options is crucial for using dd effectively.

Basic Syntax

The general syntax for the dd command is:

dd if=<input_file> of=<output_file> [options]
  • if=<input_file>: Specifies the input file or device to read from.
  • of=<output_file>: Specifies the output file or device to write to.
  • [options]: Additional options to control the behavior of dd.

Common Options

Here are some commonly used options with the dd command:

  • bs=<block_size>: Sets the block size for both input and output.
  • count=<number_of_blocks>: Copies only a specified number of input blocks.
  • skip=<number_of_blocks>: Skips a specified number of input blocks before starting to copy.
  • seek=<number_of_blocks>: Skips a specified number of output blocks before starting to copy.
  • conv=<conversion_options>: Specifies various conversion options like syncnoerrornotrunc, etc.

Examples of Basic Usage of the dd Command

To get a practical understanding of the dd command, let’s go through some basic usage examples.

Example 1: Creating a Backup of a Partition

Creating a backup of a partition is one of the most common uses of dd. This can be done by specifying the partition as the input file and a backup file as the output file.

sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M

In this example:

  • if=/dev/sda1 specifies the input partition.
  • of=/path/to/backup.img specifies the output file for the backup.
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes for faster copying.

Example 2: Restoring a Partition from a Backup

To restore a partition from a previously created backup, simply reverse the input and output files.

sudo dd if=/path/to/backup.img of=/dev/sda1 bs=4M

This command will write the backup image to the specified partition, effectively restoring it.
Example 3: Creating a Bootable USB Drive

Creating a bootable USB drive from an ISO file is another common task performed with dd.

sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress

In this example:

  • if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso specifies the input ISO file.
  • of=/dev/sdb specifies the output device (the USB drive).
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes.
  • status=progress shows the progress of the operation.

Example 4: Securely Wiping a Disk

To securely wipe a disk by overwriting it with random data, use the following command:

sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

In this example:

  • if=/dev/urandom specifies the input file to read random data.
  • of=/dev/sdX specifies the output device (the disk to be wiped).
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes.
  • status=progress shows the progress of the operation.

Example 5: Copying Data from One Disk to Another

To clone a disk by copying data from one disk to another, use the following command:

sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY bs=4M status=progress

In this example:

  • if=/dev/sdX specifies the input disk.
  • of=/dev/sdY specifies the output disk.
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes.
  • status=progress shows the progress of the operation.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of the dd command for various tasks. In the following sections, we’ll explore advanced usage scenarios and best practices to ensure safe and efficient use of dd in your Linux environment.

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Advanced Usage Scenarios of the dd Command

The dd command’s versatility extends beyond basic copying and cloning. Here, we’ll explore some advanced usage scenarios that highlight its powerful capabilities.

Creating Disk Images for Virtual Machines

Creating disk images for virtual machines can be accomplished using the dd command. This is particularly useful when setting up virtual environments for testing or development.

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/vm_image.img bs=4M

In this example:

  • if=/dev/sda specifies the input disk.
  • of=/path/to/vm_image.img specifies the output file for the virtual machine disk image.
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes.

This command creates a disk image that can be used with various virtualization platforms like VirtualBox, QEMU, or VMware.

Converting and Resizing Disk Images

The dd command can also be used to convert and resize disk images. This is useful when you need to modify the size of an existing disk image.

To resize a disk image, you can use dd in combination with other tools like truncate.

  1. Create a new, larger disk image file:
truncate -s 20G new_image.img
  1. Copy the existing image to the new image:
sudo dd if=old_image.img of=new_image.img bs=4M conv=notrunc

In this example:

  • if=old_image.img specifies the input disk image.
  • of=new_image.img specifies the output disk image.
  • bs=4M sets the block size to 4 megabytes.
  • conv=notrunc ensures that the output file is not truncated.

Benchmarking Disk Performance

The dd command can be used to benchmark disk performance by measuring read and write speeds.

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile bs=1G count=1 oflag=direct

In this example:

  • if=/dev/zero specifies the input file to read from.
  • of=testfile specifies the output file to write to.
  • bs=1G sets the block size to 1 gigabyte.
  • count=1 writes only one block.
  • oflag=direct uses direct I/O for the file.

After running the command, dd will output the time taken to write the file, which can be used to calculate the write speed. To measure read speed, reverse the if and of parameters.

Splitting and Merging Large Files

The dd command can split large files into smaller chunks and merge them back together. This is useful for transferring large files over networks or to devices with size limitations.

To split a large file:

sudo dd if=largefile of=chunk1 bs=1M count=1024
sudo dd if=largefile of=chunk2 bs=1M skip=1024 count=1024

In this example:

  • if=largefile specifies the input file.
  • of=chunk1 and of=chunk2 specify the output chunk files.
  • bs=1M sets the block size to 1 megabyte.
  • count=1024 writes 1024 blocks (1GB) to each chunk.
  • skip=1024 skips the first 1024 blocks when creating the second chunk.

To merge the chunks back together:

cat chunk1 chunk2 > largefile_restored

Safety Tips and Best Practices

While powerful, the dd command can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Here are some safety tips and best practices to follow when using dd.

Double-Check Your Commands

The dd command performs low-level operations without asking for confirmation. Always double-check your commands, especially the if and of parameters, to avoid accidentally overwriting important data.

Use the noerror and sync Options

When copying data from a potentially faulty source, use the noerror and sync options to handle read errors gracefully and maintain data integrity.

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M conv=noerror,sync
  • conv=noerror tells dd to continue operation even if there are read errors.
  • conv=sync pads each block with null bytes if there are any read errors, ensuring the output file remains the correct size.

Limit the Data to be Copied

When performing risky operations, limit the amount of data to be copied using the count option to reduce potential damage.

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M count=1024
  • count=1024 copies only 1024 blocks (4GB in this case).

Monitor the Progress

By default, dd does not show progress. Use the status=progress option to monitor the progress of your operations.

sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M status=progress

Test Before Using on Important Data

Whenever trying a new dd command, test it on non-critical data first. This helps to ensure the command works as expected without risking important data.

By following these best practices, you can safely and effectively use the dd command in your Linux environment.


Recap of the Importance and Versatility of the dd Command

The dd command stands out as one of the most powerful and versatile tools in a Linux user’s arsenal. Its ability to perform low-level data copying, conversion, and transformation makes it invaluable for a variety of tasks, ranging from creating bootable USB drives and disk cloning to advanced data recovery operations.

While dd is powerful, it must be used with caution. Always double-check your commands, particularly the if (input file) and of (output file) parameters, to avoid catastrophic data loss. Utilize options like noerror and sync to handle read errors gracefully, and monitor progress using status=progress. Following best practices and safety tips will help ensure your dd operations are successful and risk-free.

Additional Resources

You can check out the official documentations here/

Or you can check out the Community Forums and Support Channels here.


Q1: What does dd stand for?

  • dd is often said to stand for “data duplicator” or “disk duplicator,” but its name is derived from the IBM JCL (Job Control Language) command syntax.

Q2: How can I check the progress of a dd operation?

  • Use the status=progress option to monitor the progress of dd operations. For example:
    sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup.img bs=4M status=progress

Q3: Can dd clone a running system?

  • Yes, but it’s recommended to use tools like rsync or Clonezilla for cloning running systems to ensure data integrity. Cloning a live system with dd can result in inconsistent data if files are being modified during the operation.

Q4: How do I use dd to create a bootable USB drive?

  • To create a bootable USB drive, use the following command:
    sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

    Replace /path/to/iso with the path to your ISO file and /dev/sdX with your USB drive’s device identifier.

Q5: How can I recover data from a damaged disk using dd?

  • Use the noerror and sync options to recover data from a damaged disk:

    sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/path/to/recovery.img bs=4M conv=noerror,sync

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