How to Automount Drives on Linux

Automounting drives on Linux ensures that your drives are automatically mounted when the system boots up. This is especially useful for scenarios such as backing up data or maintaining continuous access to drives used by applications. In this guide, we’ll explore how to configure your Linux system to automatically mount drives at boot using the fstab file.

Why Automount Drives?

Automounting drives simplifies system management by ensuring that drives are available without manual intervention. This is particularly beneficial for:

  • Data Backup: Automatically mount external storage to back up data without needing to manually mount the drive each time.
  • Application Synchronization: Keep synchronization processes running smoothly by ensuring that required drives are always mounted.
  • Convenience: Avoid manual mounting or using graphical tools, streamlining your workflow.


Before you start, ensure you have:

  • A drive connected to your Linux system.
  • Sudo or root access to modify system files.
  • Basic familiarity with command-line operations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Automount Drives

1. Identify the Drive UUID and Filesystem Type

To configure automounting, you first need to identify the UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) and filesystem type of the drive.

Using the Command Line:

  1. Open Terminal: Access your terminal application.
  2. Run blkid Command: Execute the following command to list block devices and their details.
    sudo blkid
  3. Note Down Details: Find your drive in the output. For instance, if your drive is labeled as MyDrive, you might see output like this:
    /dev/sda1: UUID="65B1-FB17" TYPE="exfat" PARTUUID="..."`
    • UUID65B1-FB17
    • Filesystem Typeexfat

    Ensure that you also note the drive’s label for easy identification.

Using GUI Tools:

If you prefer graphical tools, follow these steps:

  1. Open Disks Application: On Ubuntu with GNOME, open the Disks application.
  2. Select the Drive: Click on the drive you want to configure.
  3. Find UUID and Filesystem: Check the drive details section for UUID and filesystem type.

2. Create a Mount Point

A mount point is a directory where the drive will be mounted.

  1. Create Directory: Choose a location for the mount point, typically under /mnt or /media. For example, create a directory under /media.
    sudo mkdir /media/MyBackup

    Replace MyBackup with a name relevant to your usage.

3. Edit the fstab File

The /etc/fstab file controls how drives are mounted at boot.

  1. Open fstab: Use a text editor with root privileges to edit the fstab file.
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
  2. Add an Entry: Insert a new line at the end of the file using the following format:
    UUID=[UUID-of-Device] [Mount-Point] [File-System-Type] [Mount-Options] [Dump] [Pass]

    For instance:

    UUID=65B1-FB17 /media/MyBackup exfat defaults 0 0
    • UUID: The UUID of your drive.
    • Mount-Point: The directory you created for mounting.
    • File-System-Type: The filesystem type (e.g., exfat).
    • Mount-Options: Typically set to defaults for basic read/write access.
    • Dump: Set to 0 to disable backups.
    • Pass: Set to 0 to skip filesystem checks on boot.
  3. Save and Exit: Save changes and exit the text editor. In Nano, use Ctrl+X, then Y, and Enter.

Ubuntu-Specific Format:

For Ubuntu versions (e.g., 22.04), use:

/dev/disk/by-uuid/[UUID-of-Device] [Mount-Point] [File-System-Type] [Mount-Options] [Dump] [Pass]


/dev/disk/by-uuid/65B1-FB17 /media/MyBackup exfat defaults 0 0

4. Verify Configuration

To ensure your configuration is correct:

  1. Reload fstab: Use the mount command to check if there are any issues.
    sudo mount -a
  2. Check for Errors: If there are no errors, your drive should be mounted according to the fstab configuration.

5. Test the Configuration

Reboot your system to test if the drive mounts automatically:

  1. Reboot System: Restart your Linux system.
    sudo reboot
  2. Check Mounted Drives: Verify if the drive is mounted by listing the contents of the mount point.
    ls /media/MyBackup

    If you see the drive’s contents, the configuration is successful.

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If the drive does not mount automatically, check the following:

  • Correct UUID: Ensure the UUID in the fstab matches the drive’s UUID.
  • Mount Point Exists: Verify that the mount point directory exists and is correct.
  • Filesystem Compatibility: Ensure that the filesystem type specified is supported by your Linux distribution.

Additional Considerations

Using Systemd for Mounting

For more advanced configurations, consider using systemd unit files for mounting drives. This method provides more control over mount options and dependencies. Refer to the systemd documentation for details on creating and managing mount units.

Automounting Network Drives

For network drives, such as NFS or SMB, the process involves additional configurations in /etc/fstab or using systemd units. Ensure proper network settings and access permissions are configured.


Automounting drives in Linux is a powerful feature that enhances system convenience and efficiency. By configuring the fstab file, you ensure that your drives are automatically mounted at boot, streamlining tasks like backups and file synchronization. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to set up automounting effectively and enjoy a smoother Linux experience.

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