How to Fix ‘User Is Not in the Sudoers File’ Error?

Encountering the error message “User is not in the sudoers file” can be a significant hurdle, especially for those new to Linux. This error indicates that your user account lacks the necessary privileges to execute commands as the root user or another superuser. Essentially, without these privileges, you’re restricted from performing administrative tasks on your system, such as installing software, modifying system configurations, or managing user permissions.

Having sudo privileges is crucial in Linux environments. The sudo command allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy. This functionality is vital for system administration, ensuring that only authorized users can perform sensitive operations, thereby maintaining system security and integrity.

Understanding the Sudoers File

The sudoers file is a critical configuration file that determines which users and groups have sudo privileges, and what specific commands they are permitted to run. This file plays a fundamental role in managing permissions and maintaining system security.

Located at /etc/sudoers, the sudoers file is not a regular text file and should not be edited directly using standard text editors. Instead, it should be edited using the visudo command. This command provides syntax checking and prevents multiple simultaneous edits, reducing the risk of configuration errors that could potentially lock users out of administrative access.

The sudoers file follows a specific syntax. Each line can specify user privileges and command allowances. For instance, a typical entry might look like this:

username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

This line grants the user username permission to run any command on the system as any user or group. Correctly configuring the sudoers file is essential, as improper configurations can either grant excessive permissions or restrict necessary access.


  • To edit the sudoers file, you need to have root access or be logged in as a user with sudo privileges. This is because the sudoers file is a critical system file that controls user permissions, and only privileged users can make modifications to it.
  • If your current user is not in the sudoers file, you’ll need access to another account that has sudo privileges. Alternatively, you can use the root account directly. Having access to an account with these privileges is crucial, as it allows you to gain the necessary permissions to edit the sudoers file and add the required entries.

Using the ‘su’ Command to Gain Root Access

One method to gain the necessary root access is by using the su command. The su command stands for “substitute user” or “switch user” and is used to switch the current user to another user, typically the root user.

The su command allows you to switch to another user account in your current terminal session. When used without any arguments, it defaults to switching to the root user, provided you know the root password.

Steps to Switch to the Root User:

  1. Open a Terminal:
    Begin by opening a terminal window. This can usually be done by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or searching for “Terminal” in your application menu.
  2. Execute the su Command:
    Type the following command to switch to the root user:

    su -

    The - option ensures that you log in as the root user with the root user’s environment variables.

  3. Enter the Root Password:
    You will be prompted to enter the root password. Type the password and press Enter. Note that the password will not be displayed on the screen for security reasons.
  4. Verify Root Access:
    Once you’ve successfully switched to the root user, your command prompt will change, typically indicating that you are now operating as root. You can verify this by checking the prompt or using the whoami command, which should return root.

Example Command
To switch to the root user, you would enter:

su -

And then input the root password when prompted.

Note: It’s crucial to know the root password to use the su command. Without it, you won’t be able to switch to the root user and gain the necessary permissions to edit the sudoers file.

If you do not know the root password and there are no other users with sudo privileges, you may need to reboot into single-user mode or use a live CD/USB to reset the root password or fix the sudoers file.

Editing the Sudoers File Safely

Editing the sudoers file is a critical task that requires caution to avoid misconfigurations that could lock you out of administrative privileges. The sudoers file is located at /etc/sudoers, and the safest way to edit it is by using the visudo command. This command opens the sudoers file in a safe editor and checks for syntax errors before saving, preventing potential issues that could arise from manual edits.

Using visudo to Edit the Sudoers File:

  1. Open a Terminal:
    Ensure you have root access or are logged in as a user with sudo privileges.
  2. Run the visudo Command:
    Enter the following command to open the sudoers file with visudo:

    sudo visudo

    If you are already logged in as root, you can simply use:

  3. Locate the User Privileges Section:
    Within the sudoers file, scroll to the section where user privileges are defined. It usually looks like this:

    # User privilege specification
    root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  4. Add the User to the Sudoers File:
    To add a user to the sudoers file, append the following line, replacing username with the actual username of the user you want to grant sudo privileges:

    username    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
  5. Save and Exit:
    After making the necessary changes, save the file and exit the editor. In nano, for example, you would press Ctrl + O to write the changes, then Ctrl + X to exit.

Example Addition:

To grant sudo privileges to a user named john, you would add:

john    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

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Adding Users to the Sudo Group

An alternative and often preferred method for granting sudo privileges is to add the user to the sudo group. Members of the sudo group are granted sudo privileges by default, making this a simple and effective way to manage sudo access.

Steps to Add a User to the Sudo Group:

  1. Open a Terminal:
    Ensure you have root access or are logged in as a user with sudo privileges.
  2. Add the User to the Sudo Group:
    Use the usermod command to add the user to the sudo group. Replace username with the actual username:

    sudo usermod -aG sudo username

    The -aG option appends the user to the specified group without removing them from other groups.

  3. Verify the User’s Group Membership:
    To ensure the user has been added to the sudo group, you can use the groups command:

    groups username

    This command will list all the groups the user belongs to. You should see sudo in the list.

Example Command:

To add a user named john to the sudo group, you would run:

sudo usermod -aG sudo john

Adding users to the sudo group is a streamlined approach that simplifies the management of sudo privileges and aligns with best practices for system administration. By following these steps, you ensure that users have the necessary permissions to perform administrative tasks securely and efficiently.

Using the usermod Command to Add a User to the Sudo Group

The usermod command in Linux is a powerful utility used to modify user account properties. When it comes to granting sudo privileges, usermod provides a straightforward method to add a user to the sudo group. This approach is preferred as it aligns with system administration best practices by using group-based permissions.

Explanation of the usermod Command

The usermod command allows administrators to change various attributes of a user account. For adding a user to a group, the -aG options are used:

  • -a (append): Adds the user to the supplementary group(s) without removing them from other groups.
  • -G (group): Specifies the group(s) to which the user should be added.

Command Syntax to Add a User to the Sudo Group

To add a user to the sudo group, use the following command syntax:

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Replace username with the actual username of the user you wish to grant sudo privileges.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Open a Terminal:
    Ensure you have root access or are logged in as a user with sudo privileges.
  2. Add the User to the Sudo Group:
    Run the following command, substituting username with the target user’s username:

    sudo usermod -aG sudo username
  3. Verify the User’s Membership in the Sudo Group:
    After adding the user to the sudo group, verify the changes using the groups command:

    groups username

    This will display all groups the user belongs to, including sudo.


To add a user named john to the sudo group, you would execute:

sudo usermod -aG sudo john


To confirm john has been successfully added to the sudo group:

groups john

The output should include sudo, indicating the user now has sudo privileges.

Temporary Solutions and Workarounds

In situations where you cannot immediately edit the sudoers file or add a user to the sudo group, there are several temporary solutions and workarounds to gain administrative access or perform necessary tasks.

Using pkexec for Graphical Interfaces

pkexec is a command-line tool that allows an authorized user to execute programs as another user, typically the root user. It provides a graphical interface for entering the required password, making it useful in desktop environments.

  • Syntax:
    pkexec command

    Replace command with the administrative task you need to perform.

  • Example:
    To open the file manager with root privileges, you can use:

    pkexec nautilus

    This command will prompt you to enter the password for an authorized user.

Logging in as Another User with Sudo Privileges

If there is another user on the system with sudo privileges, you can switch to their account to perform administrative tasks.

  • Switch User:
    su - another_username

    Replace another_username with the actual username of the account that has sudo privileges.

  • Example:
    If admin has sudo privileges, switch to their account:

    su - admin

Booting into Single-User Mode for Emergency Access

Single-user mode is a minimal environment primarily used for maintenance and emergency situations. It provides root access without requiring a password, allowing you to perform critical tasks such as editing the sudoers file.

  • Steps to Boot into Single-User Mode:
    1. Reboot the System:
      Restart your computer.
    2. Access GRUB Menu:
      During boot, hold down the Shift key (for BIOS systems) or press Esc repeatedly (for UEFI systems) to access the GRUB menu.
    3. Edit Boot Options:
      Highlight the default boot option and press e to edit.
    4. Modify Boot Parameters:
      Find the line that starts with linux and append single or init=/bin/bash at the end of the line.
    5. Boot into Single-User Mode:
      Press Ctrl + X or F10 to boot with the modified parameters.
  • Example:
    Edit the boot parameters to look like this:

    linux /boot/vmlinuz-xxxx root=UUID=xxxx ro quiet splash single

    Once in single-user mode, you have root access and can edit the sudoers file as needed:


By using these temporary solutions and workarounds, you can gain the necessary access to fix sudo-related issues, ensuring continued administrative capabilities and system maintenance.

Wrap Up

Encountering the “User is not in the sudoers file” error can be a frustrating experience, especially when you need to perform administrative tasks on your Linux system. However, understanding the underlying cause and knowing how to resolve it empowers you to regain control and ensure smooth system operations.

In this guide, we’ve covered several key methods to address this error:

  • Understanding the sudoers File: We started with an overview of the sudoers file, its purpose, and its critical role in granting sudo privileges.
  • Editing the sudoers File Safely: We explored how to use the visudo command to edit the sudoers file safely, ensuring syntax integrity and proper configuration.
  • Using the usermod Command: We demonstrated how to add a user to the sudo group using the usermod command, providing a straightforward way to grant sudo privileges.
  • Temporary Solutions and Workarounds: We also discussed alternative methods for gaining root access or performing administrative tasks, such as using pkexec, switching to another user with sudo privileges, and booting into single-user mode.

By following these steps, you can effectively resolve the “User is not in the sudoers file” error and grant the necessary permissions to users on your system. Remember, careful management of sudo privileges is essential for maintaining system security and preventing unauthorized access. Always verify changes and ensure that only trusted users are granted sudo access.

With this knowledge, you are well-equipped to handle sudo-related issues and maintain a secure and well-functioning Linux environment. Whether you’re managing a personal system or overseeing a network of machines, understanding and managing sudo privileges is a crucial skill for any Linux administrator.

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