Bash set -e | Explained

Introduction to set -e in Bash

In Bash scripting, set -e is an option that instructs the script to exit immediately if any command it executes returns a non-zero status. This early exit mechanism is invaluable for improving script reliability.

Importance of set -e

The primary significance of set -e lies in its ability to enhance script reliability. By enforcing an immediate exit upon encountering errors, it helps prevent unintended consequences and ensures that scripts halt execution if critical commands fail.

Impact on Script Execution

When set -e is in effect, the script will cease execution if any command within it fails. This provides an early indication of issues, preventing further actions that might compound errors.

Understanding the Syntax

To activate the set -e option in a Bash script, include the following line at the beginning of the script:

set -e

This ensures that the script will exit if any subsequent command fails.

Working Mechanism of set -e

Let’s have a look at the working mechanism of the “set -e” in Bash scripting.

Exit on Non-Zero Status

The primary functionality of set -e is to make the script exit if any command it runs returns a non-zero exit status. This is particularly useful for catching errors early in the script execution.

Exceptions with || Operator

While set -e provides a robust way to handle errors, there are scenarios where you might want to continue execution despite a command failing. In such cases, the || operator can be used to handle specific commands differently.

set -e

# Command that can fail without causing the script to exit
some_command || true

# Following commands will still trigger an exit on failure

Practical Examples of “set -e” in Bash

To better understand the working and usage of the “set -e” in Bash, let’s have a look at some practical examples.

Basic Example

Let’s consider a simple script without set -e:


echo "Hello, World!"

# Simulate a failure
ls /nonexistent_directory

echo "Script continues..."

In this scenario, the script would continue executing even after the ls command fails. Now, let’s add set -e to the script:

set -e

echo "Hello, World!"

# Simulate a failure
ls /nonexistent_directory

echo "Script continues..."

With set -e, the script would exit immediately after the failed ls command, and “Script continues…” would not be printed.

Advanced Example with Functions

Consider a script that includes functions. Without set -e, the script might proceed with subsequent commands even if a function fails:


function critical_function() {
    echo "Executing critical function..."
    false # Simulate failure

echo "Hello, World!"

# Call the critical function

echo "Script continues..."

In this case, “Script continues…” would be printed despite the failure in the critical_function. Now, let’s add set -e:

set -e

function critical_function() {
    echo "Executing critical function..."
    false # Simulate failure

echo "Hello, World!"

# Call the critical function

echo "Script continues..."

With set -e, the script would exit immediately after the failure in critical_function.

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More Examples of Bash “set -e” to Practice

Let’s dive into practical examples to illustrate the application of set -e:

Basic Usage of set -e

Consider the following simple script (

set -e

echo "Executing command 1"
ls non_existent_directory
echo "Command 1 executed successfully"

echo "Executing command 2"
echo "Command 2 executed successfully"

In this example, the script attempts to list the contents of a non-existent directory. The second command should not execute due to the set -e option. When you run the script:

$ bash

The output will be:

Executing command 1
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_directory': No such file or directory

The script terminates after the first command due to the encountered error.

Handling Specific Commands

Consider a scenario where you want to continue the script even if a specific command fails. In this script (, the || true construct is used to prevent the script from exiting on that particular error:

set -e

echo "Executing command 1"
ls non_existent_directory || true
echo "Command 1 executed successfully"

echo "Executing command 2"
echo "Command 2 executed successfully"

When you run the script:

$ bash

The output will be:

Executing command 1
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_directory': No such file or directory
Command 1 executed successfully
Executing command 2
Command 2 executed successfully

The script continues to execute after the failed command.

Combining with Conditional Statements

In this script (, set -e is combined with conditional statements:

set -e

echo "Executing command 1"
ls non_existent_directory
echo "Command 1 executed successfully"

if [ -e "existing_file.txt" ]; then
    echo "Executing command 2"
    cat existing_file.txt
    echo "Command 2 executed successfully"

When you run the script:

$ bash

The output will be:

Executing command 1
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_directory': No such file or directory

The script terminates after the first command due to the encountered error. Feel free to modify these examples to suit your specific use cases and explore the behavior of set -e in different scenarios.


In conclusion, set -e is a valuable tool for Bash scriptwriters, offering a mechanism to enhance script reliability by ensuring an immediate exit on encountering errors. Understanding its syntax, working mechanism, and practical implementation through examples equips scriptwriters with a powerful tool to create more robust and error-resistant Bash scripts.

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