How to Check the Version of Ubuntu You’re Running in 2024?

Determining the version of Ubuntu installed on your system is a straightforward process, and there are several methods available to accomplish this task. Whether you prefer using the command line or graphical user interface, you can easily retrieve the version information to ensure you’re working with the correct release. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods to check the version of Ubuntu you’re running, catering to different user preferences and technical expertise levels.

Using the lsb_release Command

One of the most common and reliable methods to check the Ubuntu version is by using the lsb_release command-line tool. Here’s how you can use it:

lsb_release -a

Executing this command will display detailed information about your Ubuntu system, including the distribution codename, release number, and description.

Checking /etc/os-release File

Another method to retrieve Ubuntu version details is by examining the /etc/os-release file. You can view the contents of this file using any text editor or command-line tool such as cat or less:

cat /etc/os-release

The /etc/os-release file contains key-value pairs providing information about the operating system, including the distribution name, version, and ID.

Using the hostnamectl Command

The hostnamectl command is another option to obtain Ubuntu version information, along with additional system details. Here’s how to use it:


Executing this command will display a summary of system information, including the operating system’s version, as well as the hostname, architecture, and kernel version.

Checking System Settings (GUI)

For users preferring a graphical interface, you can check the Ubuntu version using the System Settings application. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Activities overview by pressing the Super key (Windows key).
  2. Type “Settings” and click on the “Settings” icon to open the System Settings application.
  3. In the System Settings window, navigate to “Details” or “About” (depending on your Ubuntu version).
  4. The Ubuntu version information will be displayed in the “Details” or “About” section.

Using the uname Command

The uname command can also provide basic information about the system, including the kernel version. While it doesn’t directly provide Ubuntu version details, it can be useful in combination with other methods:

uname -r

This command will output the kernel release version, which can be cross-referenced with Ubuntu release notes to determine the corresponding Ubuntu version.


Regardless of your preferred method, checking the version of Ubuntu you’re running is a fundamental task for system administrators, developers, and general users alike. By utilizing the various commands and tools available, you can quickly and accurately identify the Ubuntu release installed on your system. Whether you prefer the command line or graphical user interface, the methods outlined in this guide provide flexible options to suit your preferences and technical requirements. With the ability to verify your Ubuntu version, you can ensure compatibility with software packages, receive appropriate support, and stay informed about the latest updates and features available for your Ubuntu distribution.

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