Fix: SCP Copy Over SSH Doesn’t Work: Permission Denied Error

In the realm of secure file transfer, the scp command, or secure copy, stands as a fundamental tool, leveraging the capabilities of Secure Shell (SSH) to move files between local and remote systems. However, users often encounter a formidable roadblock in the form of the “Permission Denied” error. This guide aims to unravel the complexities surrounding this issue, providing a comprehensive walkthrough to diagnose, troubleshoot, and ultimately resolve the permission denied error during scp operations.

Understanding scp and SSH

To understand the reasons for the error and to troubleshoot it properly, you need first to understand these technologies and their working.

scp: A Secure Copy Mechanism

At its core, scp is a command-line utility that enables secure and efficient copying of files between local and remote systems. Utilizing the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, scp encrypts the data during transmission, ensuring a secure channel for file transfer. Its syntax mirrors that of the traditional cp command, but its ability to traverse networks makes it an indispensable tool for remote file operations.

SSH: Enabling Secure Communication

Secure Shell (SSH) is the foundation upon which scp operates. It establishes a secure and encrypted connection between two systems, allowing for secure command-line login, remote execution, and, crucially, secure file transfer through scp. SSH employs cryptographic techniques to secure communication, making it a preferred method for secure system administration and file management.

In the next sections, we will delve into the common causes of the “Permission Denied” error during scp operations and provide actionable steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Common Causes of Permission Denied Error

The “Permission Denied” error in scp can be an elusive adversary stemming from various sources. Understanding these common causes is pivotal for effective troubleshooting:

1. Insufficient User Permissions:

  • Scenario: The user initiating the scp command lacks the necessary permissions on either the source or destination system.
  • Solution: Validate the user’s permissions on both systems, ensuring they have the right to read from the source and write to the destination.

2. Incorrect Syntax or Options in the scp Command:

  • Scenario: Typos or incorrect options in the scp command can lead to permission issues.
  • Solution: Review and correct the syntax, ensuring the proper use of options. Common mistakes include misspelled paths, incorrect use of flags, or missing necessary arguments.

3. File or Directory Permissions on the Destination System:

  • Scenario: The user lacks the necessary permissions to write to the specified directory on the destination system.
  • Solution: Verify and modify the permissions of the target directory on the remote system using the chmod command.

4. Troubles with SSH Keys and Authentication:

  • Scenario: Issues with SSH key authentication, including missing or misconfigured keys.
  • Solution: Check the existence and configuration of SSH keys, generate new keys if necessary, and ensure they are properly uploaded to the remote server.

In the upcoming section, we will embark on a step-by-step journey through troubleshooting, offering solutions to each of these common causes to pave the way for successful scp operations.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Solve Permission Denied Error

Now that you understand the common causes of the error, let’s go over the step-by-step solutions.

Solution 1: Correcting File Permissions


  • The user encounters “Permission Denied” due to inadequate file permissions on either the source or destination.

Solution Steps:

  1. Use the ls -l command to inspect the permissions of the source file or directory.
  2. Utilize chmod to adjust permissions accordingly. For example:
    chmod +r file.txt  # Grants read permission

Solution 2: Verifying SSH Keys


  • SSH key-related issues, such as missing or misconfigured keys, contribute to the “Permission Denied” error.

Solution Steps:

  1. Check the existence of SSH keys on the local machine.
  2. Generate new SSH keys if needed using ssh-keygen.
  3. Ensure the public key ( is properly uploaded to the remote server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Solution 3: User Role and Permissions


  • The user might lack the necessary roles or permissions for the scp operation.

Solution Steps:

  1. Confirm the user’s roles on both the source and destination systems.
  2. If needed, elevate the user’s permissions using sudo or grant appropriate permissions to the user.

Solution 4: Checking Command Syntax


  • Typos or incorrect syntax in the scp command lead to permission errors.

Solution Steps:

  1. Review the scp command for accuracy, paying attention to source and destination paths, options, and flags.
  2. Correct any identified mistakes, ensuring a valid and well-constructed command.

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Best Practices for Secure File Transfer

In addition to troubleshooting specific issues, adopting best practices enhances the overall security and efficiency of scp operations:

  • Using SSH Keys for Authentication:
    • Generate SSH keys for secure and passwordless authentication.
    • Upload the public key to the remote server.
  • Secure File Permissions:
    • Regularly review and set appropriate file and directory permissions.
    • Balance security with convenience, granting the minimum necessary permissions.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve into real-world examples and case studies, providing practical insights into applying these solutions and best practices to overcome the “Permission Denied” challenge in scp.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

If you have only encountered this error once and are still wondering about where this error can pop-up again, then here are some scenarios where you can expect the permission denied error while transferring files.

Example 1: Resolving Permission Denied for File Transfer


A user attempts to copy a file (data.txt) from a local machine to a remote server but encounters the “Permission Denied” error.

Solution Steps:

  1. Execute ls -l data.txt to inspect file permissions.
  2. Adjust permissions using chmod if necessary.
  3. Confirm the existence and proper configuration of SSH keys.
  4. Retry the scp command.

Example 2: Troubleshooting SSH Key Authentication


A user, despite having SSH keys, faces permission issues during an scp operation.

Solution Steps:

  1. Validate the existence and correctness of SSH keys on the local machine.
  2. Regenerate SSH keys if needed.
  3. Ensure the public key is correctly added to the authorized_keys file on the remote server.
  4. Test SSH connectivity before attempting the scp command.

Additional Resources Related to the SSH and SCP

If you are looking to learn SCP and SSh in detail and master it completely, then you can go over the following resources that are free to read.

  1. OpenSSH Documentation: Comprehensive documentation on OpenSSH, the foundation of SSH.
  2. DigitalOcean Tutorials: In-depth tutorials covering various aspects of SSH and secure file transfer.
  3. Stack Exchange – Unix & Linux: A vibrant community for asking questions and learning from experienced users.
  4. GitHub: Explore repositories with real-world scp examples and best practices.

As you continue your journey with scp SSH, these resources serve as valuable references and community hubs for expanding your knowledge and troubleshooting skills.


While solving “Permission Denied” errors in scp, you’ve explored common causes and provided systematic solutions. From adjusting file permissions to troubleshooting SSH key issues, each step contributes to a comprehensive guide for users at various skill levels. Embracing best practices not only resolves immediate issues but also fortifies your approach to secure file transfers.

As you apply these troubleshooting steps and best practices, remember that scp and SSH form a robust duo for secure file management. Regularly reviewing permissions, adopting secure authentication practices, and mastering the intricacies of scp contribute to a seamless and secure file transfer experience.

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