Managing Ubuntu Startup Applications

Managing startup applications in Ubuntu is crucial for optimizing your system’s performance and ensuring that essential programs run as soon as you log in. By controlling which applications launch at startup, you can speed up your boot time, free up system resources, and ensure a smoother user experience. This guide will walk you through various methods to manage startup applications in Ubuntu, covering both graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line interface (CLI) approaches. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to manage startup applications on your Ubuntu system effectively.

When you start your Ubuntu system, several applications and services may launch automatically. While some of these are essential for the system’s operation, others may be unnecessary or resource-intensive. By managing these startup applications, you can control which programs run at boot, thereby improving system performance and reducing boot time.


Before we dive into the methods, ensure you have:

  • Access to an Ubuntu system (preferably Ubuntu 20.04 or later).
  • Basic knowledge of using the terminal (for command-line methods).
  • Appropriate permissions to modify startup settings.

Method 1: Managing Startup Applications Using the GUI

The GUI method is user-friendly and suitable for users who prefer visual interfaces. Ubuntu provides a straightforward way to manage startup applications through the Startup Applications Preferences tool.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Startup Applications Preferences:
    • Press Super (Windows key) on your keyboard, type “Startup Applications” and click on the Startup Applications Preferences icon.
  2. Adding a Startup Application:
    • Click on the Add button to open the Add Startup Program dialog.
    • Enter the name of the application, the command to launch it, and an optional comment.
    • Click Add to save the new startup application.

    For example, to add a startup entry for the Firefox browser:

    • Name: Firefox
    • Command: firefox
    • Comment: Launch Firefox at startup
  3. Removing a Startup Application:
    • In the Startup Applications Preferences window, select the application you want to remove.
    • Click on the Remove button to delete the startup entry.
  4. Editing a Startup Application:
    • Select the application you want to edit.
    • Click on the Edit button to modify the application’s name, command, or comment.
    • Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Managing Hidden Startup Applications

Some applications might not appear in the Startup Applications Preferences window. To manage these hidden startup applications, you need to access their .desktop files.

  1. Accessing .desktop Files:
    • Open a terminal and navigate to the .config/autostart/ directory:
      cd ~/.config/autostart/
  2. Viewing Hidden Startup Applications:
    • List all .desktop files in the directory:
      ls *.desktop
  3. Editing Hidden Startup Applications:
    • Open a specific .desktop file using a text editor like nano or gedit:
      nano example.desktop
    • Make the necessary changes and save the file.

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Method 2: Managing Startup Applications Using the Terminal

For users who prefer the command-line interface, managing startup applications via the terminal offers greater control and flexibility. This method involves creating, editing, and removing .desktop files in the autostart directory.

Adding a Startup Application

  1. Create a .desktop File:
    • Open a terminal and create a new .desktop file in the ~/.config/autostart/ directory:
      nano ~/.config/autostart/example.desktop
  2. Add the Following Content:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Application Name

    Replace command with the command to launch the application, Application Name with the name of the application, and Description with an optional comment.

  3. Save and Exit:
    • Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O, then Enter.
    • Exit the editor by pressing Ctrl + X.

Removing a Startup Application

  1. Locate the .desktop File:
    • List all .desktop files in the ~/.config/autostart/ directory:
      ls ~/.config/autostart/
  2. Delete the .desktop File:
    • Use the rm command to remove the specific .desktop file:
      rm ~/.config/autostart/example.desktop

Editing a Startup Application

  1. Open the .desktop File:
    • Use a text editor to open the .desktop file you want to edit:
      nano ~/.config/autostart/example.desktop
  2. Make the Necessary Changes:
    • Modify the file as needed, then save and exit.

Disabling a Startup Application

  1. Open the .desktop File:
    • Use a text editor to open the .desktop file you want to disable:
      nano ~/.config/autostart/example.desktop
  2. Set X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled to false:
  3. Save and Exit:
    • Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O, then Enter.
    • Exit the editor by pressing Ctrl + X.

Advanced Management with systemd

systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, offering a more advanced and flexible way to manage startup applications and services.

Creating a Systemd Service

  1. Create a Service File:
    • Open a terminal and create a new service file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory:
      sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/example.service
  2. Add the Following Content:
    Description=Example Service

    Replace /path/to/command with the command to launch the application or service.

  3. Save and Exit:
    • Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O, then Enter.
    • Exit the editor by pressing Ctrl + X.

Enabling and Starting the Service

  1. Enable the Service:
    • Enable the service to start at boot:
      sudo systemctl enable example.service
  2. Start the Service:
    • Start the service immediately:
      sudo systemctl start example.service

Disabling and Stopping the Service

  1. Disable the Service:
    • Disable the service from starting at boot:
      sudo systemctl disable example.service
  2. Stop the Service:
    • Stop the service immediately:
      sudo systemctl stop example.service

Checking the Status of a Service

  • Check the status of the service to ensure it’s running correctly:
    sudo systemctl status example.service

Managing Startup Applications for Different Users

Adding a Startup Application for All Users

To add a startup application for all users, place the .desktop file in the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory.

  1. Create the .desktop File:
    • Open a terminal and create a new .desktop file in the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory:
      sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/example.desktop
  2. Add the Necessary Content:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Application Name

    Replace commandApplication Name, and Description with the appropriate values.

  3. Save and Exit:
    • Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O, then Enter.
    • Exit the editor by pressing Ctrl + X.

Removing a Startup Application for All Users

  1. Locate the .desktop File:
    • List all .desktop files in the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory:
      ls /etc/xdg/autostart/
  2. Delete the .desktop File:
    • Use the rm command to remove the specific .desktop file:
      sudo rm /etc/xdg/autostart/example.desktop

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Startup Application Not Running

If a startup application is not running as expected, check the following:

  1. Correct Command:
    • Ensure the command in the .desktop file is correct and executable.
  2. Permissions:
    • Verify that the .desktop file has the appropriate permissions:
      chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/example.desktop
  3. Log Files:
    • Check system logs for errors related to the startup application:
journalctl -xe

Application Running with Incorrect Configuration

If the application runs but with incorrect configuration or settings, ensure that:

  1. Configuration Files:
    • Verify that any configuration files the application relies on are correctly set up and accessible.
  2. Environment Variables:
    • Ensure any required environment variables are properly set. You can set environment variables within the .desktop file by modifying the Exec line:
      Exec=env VAR_NAME=value command

Application Crashing on Startup

If the application crashes immediately after startup, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Run Manually:
    • Try running the application manually from the terminal to see if there are any error messages:
  2. Check Logs:
    • Examine application-specific logs if available, or use journalctl to check system logs for crash reports.
  3. Dependencies:
    • Ensure all necessary dependencies and libraries are installed. Missing dependencies can cause applications to fail at startup.

Best Practices for Managing Startup Applications

To ensure your system remains stable and performs well, consider the following best practices when managing startup applications:

Limit Startup Applications

Only enable applications that are essential for your daily workflow. Having too many startup applications can slow down the boot process and consume system resources.

Monitor System Performance

Regularly monitor your system’s performance using tools like htoptop, or GNOME System Monitor. This can help you identify any resource-hungry applications that may need to be disabled from startup.

Use Lightweight Alternatives

For applications that need to run at startup, consider using lightweight alternatives that consume fewer resources. For example, if you need a simple text editor, gedit or leafpad may be preferable over heavier options like libreoffice-writer.

Keep Your System Updated

Ensure your system and all applications are up to date. Updates often include performance improvements, bug fixes, and security patches that can help ensure smooth operation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why manage startup applications in Ubuntu?

Managing startup applications can significantly improve your system’s performance, reduce boot times, and ensure only necessary programs run at startup. This can lead to a more efficient and responsive system.

Q2: How can I identify unnecessary startup applications?

You can identify unnecessary startup applications by reviewing the list of enabled applications in the Startup Applications Preferences tool or by checking the .desktop files in the ~/.config/autostart/ directory. Disable any applications that you do not need to run at startup.

Q3: Can I add custom scripts to run at startup?

Yes, you can add custom scripts to run at startup by creating a .desktop file in the ~/.config/autostart/ directory and pointing the Exec line to your script. Ensure your script is executable:

chmod +x /path/to/

Q4: What is the difference between system-wide and user-specific startup applications?

User-specific startup applications are configured per user and are stored in the ~/.config/autostart/ directory. System-wide startup applications are configured for all users and are stored in the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory. Modifying system-wide applications requires superuser privileges.

Q5: How can I temporarily disable a startup application without removing it?

To temporarily disable a startup application, you can set the X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled key to false in the corresponding .desktop file:


Alternatively, you can rename the .desktop file extension to something else (e.g., .bak), so it’s not recognized as a startup file.

Wrap up

Managing startup applications in Ubuntu is a vital task for optimizing system performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. By understanding how to add, remove, and modify startup applications through both the GUI and CLI methods, you can take full control over what runs when your system boots up. This not only helps reduce boot times and free up system resources but also ensures that essential applications are readily available after logging in.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can efficiently manage your Ubuntu startup applications, keeping your system running smoothly and efficiently. Whether you prefer using graphical tools or command-line interfaces, you now have the knowledge to tailor your system’s startup behavior to your specific needs.

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