Advanced Sneakerhead Guide

In our previous article about copping sneakers we talked about what you need to get you started in the sneakerhead game, but that was just scraping the surface.

Bots (the sequel)

By now you know that a bot is an application that gives you an advantage by automating the entire process of ordering sneakers online, completing such task in a matter of seconds.

Bots come in wide variety, each with different purposes, but here we will only list the ones that are relevant for copping sneakers:

Auto Add to Cart bots (ATC/ADC)

This kind of bot is probably one of the most common ones. They are straightforward, usually requiring minimal programming to function. The user programs the size they want and when the page of the sneakers is released the bot will automatically select the size specified and add to cart for check out.

Auto checkout bots

This bot checks out automatically for you, filling in the fields with the name, address, credit card info and email you programmed. It is a less used bot because when items are already in your cart, the sneaker is practically purchased.

Cloud Bot

It’s not really a bot, but a service in which you give your account info to a website and for a fee, the site adds to your cart the item you desire, then you log in and check out the item yourself.

Twitter Bots Scanner

This type of bot pings twitter constantly based on the keywords you selected to get and launch the link for your sneakers. While there are a lot of leads Twitter Link Only (Nike), you can’t ping all the time for feed updates because Twitter’s API has a request frequency threshold and if you exceed the limit they will suspend you API key.

What you need to look for when choosing a bot:


Your bot needs to support multiple sites. Be sure to check before purchasing that your bot can access a wide variety of sites or a bot that is constantly adding new ones.

Make sure your bot is also compatible with your server and proxies. If you want to avoid checking every hosting and proxy company for bot compatibility, sneaker servers and sneaker proxies are an easier choice. Our sneaker bot servers section is waiting for you to check it out.


Make sure your bot can get the support it needs quickly in case something happens. Waiting too long can cost you those sneakers. Read customer reviews to know if a bot’s support staff satisfactory.


Sneaker sites are constantly trying to take down bots and as a result the bots have their software updated frequently to keep up. Your bot will stop working without these updates due to sneaker sites shutting you down. Whether they are bots that have free or paid updates, opt for a bot that offers updates.

Multiple Accounts

A single account won’t be enough so your bot needs to be able to create and run multiple accounts at once if you’re serious about copping sneakers. Look for those that have an easy account editor that enables you to edit all your accounts at once; it saves you a lot of time.


Bots that have multithread technology can handle multiple tasks at once, making any sneakerhead’s job ten times easier.

Retry on Failure

Sites go down all the time, especially sneaker sites as they get loads of traffic during releases. It’s better you choose a bot that retries a function that failed.


Proxies mask you identity (IP address) so that your bot won’t get taken down when it’s making tons of requests to sneaker sites.

Type of proxy

The best kind of proxies are rotating proxies because you get a new IP address every few minutes, thus making you very hard to track down. Dedicated proxies are fine too, but do not have this feature.


Get proxies that have specific geo-locations. Manufacturers often block IP addresses for limited releases so only people from a specific area have access.

Number of proxies

Proxies come in bundles ranging from five to hundreds of proxies. When copping sneakers you want your bot to move through different proxies so you can stay anonymous. It’s recommendable you use at least 20 proxies for those kicks.

Proxies with ads are bad for copping sneakers as they slow down the loading of your sneaker site’s web pages so try avoiding such proxies.


Servers are very important seeing as they provide the speed factor when copping, and by now you know that speed is the name of the game.

As we’ve mentioned before in Copping Sneakers, a dedicated server is much more suitable for copping sneakers because all of its resources (RAM, CPU, bandwidth) are available to you and you alone.


While your server is faster than shared or private servers, it still can experience latency due to its location. To avoid such a major inconvenience, choose a server that is close to sneaker data centers. This will make the connection quicker and allow you to cop sneakers effortlessly.

Sneakerhead veterans usually go for servers that have under 1ms ping and that’s what we also recommend.


You must also take into consideration the location of your proxies. It’s best that your servers and proxies be in the same data center, this decreasing lag due to the fact that your proxies and servers are able to communicate faster. Less lag results in more sneakers you can cop.


Check if your bots and proxies are compatible with your server. You don’t want to find out incompatibility issues when running them. You can avoid having to verify such things by choosing sneaker servers and sneaker proxies that are compatible among them and with any sneaker bots. Our sneaker bot servers are ready to make things easier for you.


Be sure that your server is online at all times and that it has the best support team out there. You may think support isn’t all that important but if something comes up and you’re left waiting for too long you might miss out on copping those releases that you’ve been stalking for a month.

Your server is a very important asset in the sneaker game, so be sure to pick the right one as it is the foundation on which you lay your other copping tools. Get copping right away with our sneaker servers!

Looking for a fast & reliable sneaker server? Then check out our specialized Sneaker Servers.

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